Archive for the 'Confession' Category


Homo Practiculus…

I am the next of the generations.
I am devoid of all emotions,Homo Practiculus
Only materials fill my need,
I will do anyone and anything,
To fill my avarice or greed.
I don’t know friends,
I don’t even know what’s a family,
I walk around,
But It’s not the faces i see,
They are mere tools and puppets,
Waiting to be used by me.
I will do it once,
I will do it again,
There are no depths too low for me,
and justify it all,
under the banner of practicality.

You will hate me,
You will loathe me,
But in the end,
One like me you will be,
Cause as Darwin said,
Survival of the fittest it must be.
For all of you who still don’t know,

I am the modern human being.



I am cursed
with seeing the ugly, the repulsive that is in all things
where you see beauty i see the horrible
where you see confidence i see the insecurities
and it kills me when I see all the grimness of what many say is the best place to be

I don’t want to
but I see all the monsters that you hide in your closet
and i see how hard you try to keep that concealed from the everyone
how everyday you go out into that world
with a fear that someone somewhere
will see the ugliness you hide beneath that mask

I want to kill
not you, not anyone else
but myself
cause i know all the lies i say everyday
all the horrible things that i have done
and all the evil i am capable of

I am a critic
I used to be proud of it
but now i loath it
when i cant even see the mirror without finding a flaw

I am afraid
of knowing you
Of getting close to you
cause then i will see everything you wanted me not to
and i fear what i will see

I hate myself
probably that is why i was afraid
when something good like you happened to me
cause all i could think of was
the worse that is yet to come

I am what i am
and i do not regret
at least i accept myself
not cower behind fake masks like you all
living a lie and
always trying to prove yourself to others who don’t matter.

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